Project Status: In Progress.
Delivery Partners/Stakeholders: Havering Council, London Essex and Hertfordshire Amphibian and Reptile Trust (LEHART)
Location: Tylers Common
Developing management regimes
The remnants of low nutrient habitats with the Land of the Fanns area represent an original opportunity to restore ancient landscape features with supporting interpretation. With much of the rural landscape put over to intensive arable farming, the landscape is now nutrient rich and therefore not conducive for low nutrient habitats. The project represents part of the delivery mechanism for the ‘From Local to Landscape’ strategic management project (A1.1)
There are three elements to the project:
- Identification of suitable locations
- Development of new management regimes
- Restoration and legacy
Identify locations
The first stage of the project is to identify suitable locations for heathland and/or acid grassland restoration. The scoping process for sites will also seek to identify historic landscape features, linking with the Designed Landscapes project (B2.1) and supporting interpretation work for the Scheme (B4.1). Potential sites include Little Warley Common in Brentwood, Tylers Common and Durrants Land in the Ingrebourne Valley. This phase is likely to require specialist expertise support and will be framed within the context of the Landscape Management Plan (A1.1)
Management regimes
The second component is to work with landowners to develop and implement new management regimes that support currently scarce plant and invertebrate species that thrive in low nutrient environments. Opportunities for interpretation will also be explored, drawing on the expertise of local volunteer knowledge and obtained through other Scheme projects.
Restoration and legacy
The final element is to deliver targeted restoration work and secure Countryside Stewardship. This work will run alongside the rollout of interpretation and leaflets (B4.1) that encourage further access and use of the network. The project will feature on the Heritage Walks (D1.1).