Project Status: Not Started
The project will see the development of an app that collects data (e.g. text, images, trail coordinates etc) from the Land of the Fanns website. This data will be sourced via wider data-collection project initiatives such as Designed Landscapes (B2.1) and Community Mapping (B2.2), and structured into trails to complement the Walks programme (D1.1). This will ensure that the app content aligns with the efforts of volunteers across the Landscape Partnership Scheme.
A Land of the Fanns web-based interface will provide facilities for this data to be entered online and, when a trail is completed, make this available to the app. This would also have the advantage that a simple app could be developed and distributed covering all the trails across the Land of the Fanns landscape, with the ability to add new trails or amend existing ones as needed. Partner and volunteer training will be provided to help make the app less reliant on technical experts and offer digital participation opportunities. This will provide a legacy of expertise for future projects that relate to digital technology, interpretation and community heritage research.
The app will be marketed to the wider Land of the Fanns community as a selfdirected interpretation experience, complementing the heritage walks programme. It will also encourage further collection of views and opinions via social media in support of the community mapping project.
The project will commence in Year 2, building on the data-collection work starting in Year 1.