67. Snowdrops at Rainham Hall
I have lived in Rainham all my life and have known of Rainham Hall for an equal length of time. I attended the nursery there as a young child in about 1949. I used to pass the hall as a child on my way to visit my grandmother. The overgrown garden behind the walls was enticing to a young child, rather like a secret garden.
As a teacher, I was able to take groups of children to visit the Hall and the Norman Church of St. Helens and St. Giles next door.
I jumped at the chance of a ‘hard hat’ tour of the Hall when refurbishment and building work was taking place, and Sally James asked for volunteers for the developing gardens.As an enthusiastic gardener, who had gardened since a small child, I welcomed the opportunity to work on the garden with a group of fellow enthusiasts. I started working in the gardens in August 2014.
I have had so much enjoyment from working here for the past five years and have wanted to give something for the future.During the winter I had noticed a lack of Spring colour and plants for pollinators. I had been inspired by spaces such as Warley Place and Anglesey Abbeys’ masses of snowdrops in the winter and had planted many snowdrops in the green in my own garden.
I decided that I would like to contribute to the Hall gardens and purchased one thousand snowdrops in the green initially, and in subsequent years I added to those. I have donated four thousand snowdrops so far.
I imagine them spreading all over in the future – my contribution to a place I have grown to love and for the people of Rainham to enjoy as well as the pollinators.
I regard Rainham Hall as a special place, as is Rainham itself and I am glad to have added to its character and appeal.
Story writer/provider
Linda/Andrea Little
Flag Designer
Andrea Little/Lisa Meehan
Kinetika Artists
Landscape Character Area
Rainham, Aveley and Wenington