79. RSPB Rainham Marshes
A couple of years ago my daughter was lucky enough to get a work experience placement with Kinetika. For the first few days I came along with her on the bus, and one time we overheard a couple of people talking about where they were going on the bus. I was surprised to hear them say Rainham Marshes, as I didn’t know just how close it is to Purfleet and it was accessible by public transport. Since then I have been on several photography trips to the marshes with my daughter. We enjoy the river views and watching the birds from the Purfleet Hide. Then a treat at the end of the day is ice cream from the shop. I don’t think it is advertised enough, that you can get to Rainham Marshes on the No. 44 bus.
Story writer/provider
Carole Moon
Flag Designer
Carole Moon
Kinetika Artists
Landscape Character Area
Rainham, Aveley and Wenington