Project Status: In Progress This initiative will establish a grants programme for communities to deliver projects complementing the wider Scheme. The intention is to help encourage empowerment and promote a sense of ownership of heritage by local people. Through a grants application process managed by the Land of the Fanns team, £15,000 per year will…
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Project Status: In Progress ‘Landscape Champions of Tomorrow’ seeks to provide training directly relating to LotF LPS delivery and to support future sustainability through governance and leadership training. The project therefore underpins a wide suite of other delivery projects, whilst helping to lay the foundations for legacy. There are two elements: Supporting Scheme Delivery Securing…
Project Status: In Progress Delivery Partners/Stakeholders: Forestry England The Scheme will employ 2 apprentices during the life of the Landscape Partnership Scheme, each for a two-year period starting in Year 2 of the Scheme. The Forestry Commission will employ these apprentices as employees and host them under the FC national Apprenticeship Scheme. The apprentices will…
Project Status: In Progress Delivery Partners/Stakeholders: Thames Chase Trust Thames Chase Walking Group are delivering guided walks Walks leaflets are being mapped and researched by volunteers and a graphic designer Researching new routes and making note of any paths that can be improved or need clearance. The project has two components 1. A programme of…
Project Status: In Progress. The project will deliver an annual conference event that creates a colourful, stimulating summary of activity for that year, drawing on the efforts of partners, community groups and individuals. It will be open to all. Each year will see a different conference theme, with the final event aiming to bring all…
Project Status: Not Started. Delivering Partners/Stakeholders: Kinetika The project aims to deliver an artist-led celebration of the landscape, drawing on community engagement to create a legacy in the form of an art trail or festival. The first stage will be to develop effective working relationships with key artists and collaboratively develop more detailed proposals for…
Thames Chase Trust, Pike Lane Upminster, Essex RM14 3NS
01708 642970
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