Hidden Historical Gems in Our Local Landscape
The Land of the Fanns team hosted a fabulous pop up display, curated by MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology), showcasing the fascinating history, archaeology and heritage of the area.
MOLA archaeologists, Land of the Fanns staff and volunteers had a great time at two recent events, the Hornchurch Country Park Military Festival Weekend and Valence House Museum ‘Caveman Capers’ pre history Festival, where we got chance to engage the public with the archaeology and heritage of the Land of the Fanns area. The kids had a great time too, becoming young archaeologists in the making,’ digging’ in the sand boxes for hidden artefacts that they then identified.
We had some great feedback from visitors to the display, such as; “Hands on – loved that! Always good to learn something new” and “Finding out about the history of my area and the potential for getting involved – how exciting” to, “very good – kids enjoyed it”.
The display, which is touring festivals and events from June to October, reveals how London, once made up of fens, forests and farms, has developed over the centuries. The areas vital role in creation of wealth, its strategic importance in the world wars and its links to great trade and pilgrim routes, via the Thames.
There is still a great deal of heritage visible in the local landscape, remnants that people may not be aware of in their local area but can discover in this travelling display.
All in all, a great couple of weekends getting out there, engaging with the public and talking about something we are so enthusiastic about. The glorious weather helped too!
Come and see us !

Further dates and locations for the Travelling Archaeological Pop Up Display :
The Orsett Show, Orsett, Grays, RM16 – Saturday 7 September 2019
Thames Chase Apple Day, Thames Chase Forest Centre, Pike Lane, Upminster RM14 3NS – Sunday 20 October 2019
If you are keen to get involved in volunteering on any of our projects, or want more information, please do contact us at: landofthefanns@thameschase.org.uk
Debbie Brady
Heritage Engagement Officer