Community Action Fund open for applications
Environmental and heritage projects set to benefit
Do you run a community project that needs some funding? The Land of the Fanns Landscape Partnership Project’s Community Grant fund is open for applications again. Grants of up to £5,000 are available for local groups to run environmental or heritage projects within the Land of the Fanns area.
The Land of the Fanns covers the London Boroughs of Barking & Dagenham and Havering, Brentwood, Thurrock and West Essex. Groups in these areas can apply for a grant to run a project within the area which meets one of the aims of the Landscape Partnership Project. These are: conserving and enhancing the historic and or natural landscape of the area; helping people learn about and enjoy the heritage and/or landscape of the Land of the Fanns; or Involving the local community and volunteers.
Projects which have so far been awarded grants include planting an orchard and creating a dipping pond at a school, bat monitoring, installation of an interpretation sign and supporting the development of a new heritage museum.
Drapers’ Maylands Primary School in Romford was a successful applicant in Round 1 of the Community Action Fund. The school’s outdoor learning area was transformed by the Thames Chase Conservation Volunteers. The Community Action Fund enabled the school to create a living science area where children will learn about habitats and wildlife in their own school field. The Thames Chase Conservation Volunteers, aided by children from the school, created a pond, decking platform, seating area and study table.
The Havering Wildlife Project also received funding from the Community Action Fund to help protect and restore the bat population in Thames Chase Community Forest. The grant awarded was used to pay for training in bat handling and equipment to monitor and record the bats.
This is the fourth round of applications and runs from now until 31st January. One last round will occur in March 2020. All projects funded by the scheme must be completed by September 2021. More information about how to apply for the Land of the Fanns Community Action Fund can be found at www.landofthefanns.org/community-grants, or call 01708 642950 or email landofthefanns@thameschase.org.uk